Are we one? Are we part of all the parts? A part of the galaxy we exist in and part of the earth and the sky and the animals and the plants that grow on this earth?
I believe we are. Our atoms are the same as the atoms that make up the plant life and animal life on this planet. We may look different but we are made of the same stuff.
How we treat one another is directly linked to how we understand this scientific concept. If we are all one, brothers and sisters, animals and planet, then we need to start acting like we are all connected. Treating ourselves, our brothers and sisters, the water, the land and animals as one being or entity.
We can't war with another country and have harmony at home in our own country. We can't pollute third world countries and not have pollution and sickness in our own hearts, and waterways. If we only care about monetary gain, then all the other parts of us suffer too. Nothing is not affected by another event. If there is unrest in the world then there is unrest at home and in us. If there is unrest within us, there will be unrest somewhere else in the world. It is all connected.
The same goes for love. When there is love in our hearts, there is love around us and in the world. Once we understand this truth we will want to have more love in the world and stop waging war on ourselves and others. We will want peace for the earth and for the animals that make earth their home.